This weeks fabulous ambassadors!
Archbishop Rowan Williams CiW Primary School
proudly present to you this week’s Ambassadors:
Caitlin Leigh – Showing beautiful creativity in her ‘Seasons Artwork’
Clemence Edwards – Being resilient and consistently challenging her learning, such an excellent quality!
Troy Andrews – Being a resilient learner and completing all of his maths! Well done Troy!
Theo Taylor – For super reading and excellent understanding of his recycling text
Jarvis Steel- For being an ethical, informed citizen by showing understanding and compassion to his fellow classmates when writing thoughtful reflections about each of them.
Esther Pridmore – For showing excellent creativity in her story map of a Welsh myth
Lara Williams- For excellent engagement with a topic activity – cooking her ‘National Dish’…I bet it was delicious!
Theo Reed- who has definitely been a healthy and ethical member of our community as he has run 6 and a half marathons to raise money for Ty Hafan… outstanding!
Ollie Jones- For great reading and writing and using these skills to write a lovely letter to his teachers… Diolch!
Brody Harris- For great enthusiasm in all of his learning…well done! So proud of you keeping up such enthusiasm!
Louis George - For being ambitious and capable. Home learning isn’t always a favourite thing to do, but even so, he has persevered and tackled all tasks. The work he is providing is at a great standard and presentation is beautiful. Well done Louis…super proud of you!
Caitlin Watkins - For demonstrating perseverance and enthusiasm towards her reading in the hub school. Well done Caitlin…I am looking forward to you reading to me soon!
Alex Wall -For demonstrating creativity and perseverance with his under the sea model. Well done…this is the route to success!
Jude Thorn – For demonstrating his ability to work independently and direct his own learning. Well done Jude…this is an excellent life skill to have!
Harrison Jones – For an excellent recycling leaflet showing he understanding of how to be sustainable.
Sara Walbyoff – For transferring her maths skills to real life and making a delicious chocolate cake… fabulous!
Ffion Silcox – Using BSL to sign her name… you can show us how you do it soon!
Lyla Jones – For showing imagination and creativity in her Giraffe creation.
Millie Hubbard – For setting herself high expectations and always putting effort into her learning.
Erin Heneghan – For engaging in her learning and having an ambitious attitude.