Criw Cymraeg
At Archbishop Rowan Williams Primary School, we try to use as much Welsh as possible as part of the school day. Here are some of the phrases we can use on a daily basis.
Dyma ti - Here you go!
Diolch yn fawr - Thank you very much
Croeso - You're welcome
Bore da - Good morning
Shwmae? - How are you?
Prynhawn da - Good afternoon
Dewch i mewn - Come in
Mae'n amser Chwarae - It's playtime
Mae'n amser cinio - It's lunchtime
Da bo chi - Goodbye
Sut mae’r tywydd heddiw? - How’s the weather today?
Mae hi’n… - It is…
Heulog - Sunny
Wyntog - Windy
Bwrw glaw - Raining
Pa siap? Par Shap? Which shape?
triongl - triangle
cylch - circle
sgwâr - square
petryal - rectangle
seren - star
Pa liw? Par lew? Which colour?
Coch - Red
Glas - Blue
Melyn - Yellow
Oren - Orange
Gwyrdd - Green
Du - Black
Gwyn - White
Porffor - Purple
Brown - Brown
Pinc - Pink
Llwyd - Grey
If we want to ask our teacher a question we should try our best to do it in Welsh. Use the guide below to help you.
Ga i ........ - May I have .......
pen - pen
pensil - pencil
pren mesur - ruler
llyfr - book
geiriadur - dictionary
rwber - rubber
naddwr - sharpener
siswrn - scissors
glud - glue
diod - drink
.............. os gwelwch yn dda - ......... please
e. g Ga i llyfr os gwelwch yn dda? - May I have a book please?
Rhifau Cymraeg - Welsh Numbers
Un - One
Dau - Two
Tri - Three
Pedwar - Four
Pump - Five
Chwech - Six
Saith - Seven
Wyth - Eight
Naw - Nine
Deg - Ten