Phase 2
In Key Stage 2 learners build on the skills, knowledge and understanding acquired during the Foundation Phase. Pupils cover the following areas:
- Religious Education
- Mathematics
- English
- Welsh
- Science
In addition KS2 pupils are also taught Design and Technology, Art, Music, History, Geography and Physical Education. These subjects are taught through topics. Here are some of the topics we teach:
- Flight engineers
- Bones, blood and gory bits
- Off with her head!
- More than Mods and Rockers
Literacy and Numeracy Framework (LNF)
Literacy describes a set of skills including speaking and listening (oracy), reading and writing which allows us to make sense of the world around us .
Numeracy describes the set of skills needed to tackle real-life problems in a variety of situations using numerical reasoning to plan how to solve the problem, and then carry out the mathematical procedures to find the solution.
Teachers have a framework to work from to ensure pupils have increased opportunities to continue applying their literacy and numeracy skills across the curriculum.