Planning ahead
Dear Parents/ Carers/ Families,
I am very conscious that with the recent Welsh Government communication on 29th May, relating to the next phase of easing lockdown, many of you will have questions around what’s next for your child’s education. I am also mindful that with English schools gradually reopening, you may be interested around what may be in plan for Welsh schools. At the time of writing, no decision has been made in Wales.
Firstly, let me reassure you that we will be making every effort to meet government requirements as they become known. As a school, we are all very clear that, in the early days, things will feel very different for the children and our teaching staff. There will also likely be a number of transitional phases to work through when we are in the position to commence any form of reopening. The safety and wellbeing of all children will be uppermost in our minds at ARW.
The Governing Body and myself are working together closely and we commit to keeping you informed on any developments as they happen. We will provide updates via our social media and our school website as anything progresses.
At this point in time, I would welcome your questions, concerns and ideas in relation to the children’s return to school. I hope that your input will make this transition as smooth as possible and that it may serve to offer you a degree of confidence in the arrangements made.
Please send your responses to
Kind regards
Caroline Swann