Message from Will McClean (MCC)
11th December 2020
Dear Parents and Carers
I am sure you will be aware of the rapid escalation in the COVID-19 pandemic that we are experiencing across Wales. Monmouthshire is no different and we are experiencing significant increases in the rates of infection in many of our communities. As of today, the seven-day incidence rate across Wales is over 400 per 100,000 and in Monmouthshire, it is c.325; these numbers are having a material impact on our schools. In light of this fact and alongside the Minister for Education’s announcement regarding secondary schools we have reviewed the provision for face-to-face education in our primary schools in the week commencing the 14th December.
Following discussions with school leaders, Monmouthshire’s primary schools will move to a model of blended learning from Wednesday 16th December. Thursday 17th and Friday 18th will be blended learning – this is not an early start to the Christmas holiday. This is not a decision that we have arrived lightly but with an increasing prevalence across the county and a material impact on staffing levels in schools we believe that this step will allow us to reach the end of term safely for all.
We will continue to provide face-to-face provision for our vulnerable learners and we will make provision for childcare for NHS and social care workers. Your schools will be in touch early next week to set out these arrangements.
All of our school staff have worked tirelessly this term to keep our schools safe environments for our children and I am hugely grateful for their efforts.
Will McLean
Chief Officer Children & Young People Monmouthshire
Lead Director for SE Wales
Additional information from Archbishop Rowan Williams Primary School
Blended/home learning will be for one day only as we have a staff training day on
Friday 18th December.