Key points from Kirsty Williams
Dear Parents, Carers, Families,
We now know some timings for your return.
I appreciate that at this stage you will have significant concerns.
I am waiting for further guidance from Welsh Government and Monmouthshire County Council before mapping the detail of our future arrangements. I am also using the thoughts that you have shared via the school email to inform how we plan our next steps.
I may not have information to share for a little while, but rest assured, the work really is going on behind the scenes! I am just mindful to only share information once it has been scrutinised by the senior leadership team, teachers, governing body and associated outside agencies. This liaison takes time as participants need to reflect in order for feedback to be meaningful, hence the ‘gap in transmission’ on the schools ‘latest news’.
As soon as I have information to share, I will update you, and in the meantime, please stay in touch with us via the school website, and use the email address to contact us if you would like.
Below are the main points shared by Kirsty Williams today.
Take care and stay safe,
Caroline Swann
Key Points from the Education Minister for Wales, Kirsty Williams
A limited reopening for all age groups will begin on Monday, 29 June.
"We are proposing to extend the term by one week to end on the 27th of July, with an extra week’s break at autumn half-term". "Year groups will be split into cohorts with staggered starts, lessons and breaks, meaning at most, a third of pupils will be present at any one time. |
"Year groups will be split into cohorts with staggered starts, lessons and breaks, meaning at most, a third of pupils will be present at any one time.
"We will see much smaller classes, providing secure, dedicated time with teachers and classmates".
"We will use the last weeks of the summer term to make sure pupils, staff and parents are prepared – mentally, emotionally and practically – for the ‘new normal’ in September.
Education Minister Kirsty Williams says parents who decide not to send their children to school will not be fined in Wales.
"We will respect parents' decisions on what they think is best for them and their children," she said. |
Ms Williams said children who have been told to "shield" at home would not be returning to school.
She also said that children with parents on the shielding list would not be attending school either. |
The organisation and look of classrooms will change radically