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Archbishop Rowan Williams
Church in Wales School

"I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

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Archbishop Rowan Williams
Church in Wales School

"I can do all things through Him who
strengthens me." Philippians 4:13




Archbishop Rowan Williams CiW Primary School

proudly present to you this week’s Ambassadors:



Charlie Hanley-Hill for working really hard on his phonics, and using what he has learnt to write sentences…good boy!

Elsie Dowan-  for being fabulous and working hard to learn her new sounds. She has used what she has learnt to write sentences… well done Elsie

Alis Walbyoff – for always being so kind and helpful to everyone she meets… she is a true ARW girl!

Rueben Smith – for excellent problem solving in his maths and accurate counting. Problem solving needs real learning resilience, so well done Rueben!

Leighton Harris for working incredibly hard on letter formation and fine motor pencil control this week. He really wants to do well and improve, so has been asking to do extra practice every day with the adults in the class. Super hard worker this week!

Harlen Herzog for working incredibly hard on letter formation and fine motor pencil control this week. He really wants to do well and improve, so has been asking to do extra practice every day with the adults in the class. Super hard worker this week!

Lorenzo Matrella-Jones for working incredibly hard on letter formation and fine motor pencil control this week. He really wants to do well and improve, so has been asking to do extra practice every day with the adults in the class. Super hard worker this week!

for being an ambitious, capable learner when problem solving in maths.  He was very enthusiastic!

Evelyn Chiu- for persevering with her learning in a fact families maths task. Well done…this attitude will always help you to be successful!

Poppy Yates for persevering with her learning in a fact families maths task, which has resulted in excellent learning!

Arthur Biddle- for being an ethical and informed by evaluating information about the challenges faced by orang-utans to form his own opinions and views…outstanding!

Felix Haikney- for outstanding research skill where he found very detailed and relevant information. I am most impressed by the fact that he has been reflecting on what he can do next to save the environment, based upon the information that he found. He is an ambassador both in and beyond the school! Excellent!           

Harrison Jones- for his Home Learning. Harrison researched the scientific names of dinosaurs, and presented his slides to the class. He had found out additional information and tackled questions from his audience superbly well. He also got up early, at 6am to complete his work and share it with me and the class. Hugely impressive and WHAT a work ethic!!! We are very proud of you Harrison.

Troy Andrews- For an excellent week in school. He has engaged in learning, enjoyed the company of both the adults and his friends and been an absolute pleasure to learn with. Well done Troy!

Jenson Fearn- for showing respect in class, and encouraging his friends to follow suit. Showing maturity and identifying how we should behave appropriately. 

Ben Abbott for persevering and wanting to do work to the best of his ability. 

Chelsea Pearce for being an independent learner. She had a few problems at accessing her Google classroom at home, so she took it upon herself to ask friends what she should be doing and completed all home learning tasks. 

Louis Powell for being an ambitious learner and trying the hot chilli challenges in Maths. 

Harrison Thorn for being supportive members of the class, always willing to help and explain the concept to others, when they're struggling. 

Thoran Thompson-Snape for being supportive members of the class, always willing to help and explain the concept to others, when they're struggling. 

Libby Owen for creating and presenting a superb power point, displaying expertise in her chosen subject along with excellent ICT skills and impressive oracy skills. She really is a capable and ambitious learner. Well Done!

Eva Lawn for creating and presenting a superb power point, displaying expertise in her chosen subject along with excellent ICT skills and impressive oracy skills. She really is a capable and ambitious learner. Well Done!

for creating and presenting a superb power point, displaying expertise in her chosen subject along with excellent ICT skills and impressive oracy skills. She really is a capable and ambitious learner. Well Done!

Alina Gurner for creating and presenting a superb power point, displaying expertise in her chosen subject along with excellent ICT skills and impressive oracy skills. She really is a capable and ambitious learner. Well Done!

Jonty Booysen for creating and presenting a superb power point, displaying expertise in his chosen subject along with excellent ICT skills and impressive oracy skills. He really is a capable and ambitious learner. Well Done!

