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Archbishop Rowan Williams
Church in Wales School

"I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

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Archbishop Rowan Williams Church in Wales School home page

Archbishop Rowan Williams
Church in Wales School

"I can do all things through Him who
strengthens me." Philippians 4:13




Archbishop Rowan Williams CiW Primary School

proudly present to you this week’s Ambassadors:



Mason Griffiths for working hard on his phonics both at school and at home.

Erin Banton for working hard on her phonics both at school and at home.

Honey Stainthorp – for an excellent job of trying write a sentence using her new sounds. Fabulous!

Victoria Phelps – For being an ambitious learner and confidently learning all her new sounds…good girl.

Olia Lewis-  for being a good citizen. She asked her parents if they could go litter picking at the sea wall. She collected a big bag full of rubbish. We are very proud of how she has turned her learning and thinking into actions and making a difference to our world. 

Evan Lake for being an ambitious, capable learner, who always joins in with class discussions. We can only achieve great things by contributing, so well done!

Alexandria-Rose Williams for always following directions, our class charter and being ready to learn. An excellent role model to everyone at school.

Millie Hudson for being a real team player and thinking about the needs of others. She showed her reading group how to read their book as a script. Well done.

Jac Watkins for being an ambitious, capable learner as he always challenges himself in maths lessons. This is an excellent quality to have and allows

Alfie Taylor- For a very hardworking attitude and for refining his 5 and 9’s to make his work perfect. Well done!

Alfie Deakin- for an excellent work ethic and having brilliant listening skills which help him to achieve his best at all times…fantastic!

Arthur Biddle- for showing maturity and great self-awareness by controlling his feelings, even when this may be a tricky thing to do… fantastic personal growth…what a fabulous boy, I am so proud of you.

Ava Howard- for writing fabulous stories. Ava, you are a talented artist and it is wonderful to see you use this creativity in your writing. Well done.

Olivia Wong for reflecting and thinking carefully to compose a fantastic Remembrance Day poem, full of imagery and sensitivity. Well done Olivia.

Caitlin Leigh. – for outstanding research skills and in  presenting an excellent account of her family’s involvement during the Second World War. She inspired the whole class with her photographs and detailed information, provoking lots of pertinent questions. She has spurred others on to find out more about their own families. Well done Caitlin.

Lara Williams- for being amazing and completing all work independently! Fabulous!

 Polly MacDonald- for being fabulous and completing all work independently! Excellent!

Abigail Ost-for producing a great piece of descriptive writing. Well done Abigail!

Dannika Wilkins-for being ethically informed, writing a beautiful heart felt prayer, showing humility. So thoughtful Dannika.

Euan Farrands- for always working extremely hard during task time and trying his hardest this week, not to shout out during carpet time. Excellent self-control…well done Euan!

Lexie Blacker for her enthusiasm and hard work in Science- an ambitious and capable learner

Eva Lawn for showing kindness and support to other children in the class. Such a healthy, confident learner!

Matthew Miles for concentrating and focusing really hard in his reading sessions. What a good boy!
