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Archbishop Rowan Williams
Church in Wales School

"I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

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Archbishop Rowan Williams Church in Wales School home page

Archbishop Rowan Williams
Church in Wales School

"I can do all things through Him who
strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

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  • A shout out and thanks to our Hub workers!

    Mon 11 May 2020 C Swann

    Over the last few weeks, Mrs Spokes. Miss Deakin, Mrs Hoare, Mrs Smith and Mrs Williams have worked in the Dewstow Hub, where they have made an outstanding contribution to the country wide effort to respond to Covid 19. 


    They have brightened the lives of the children attending, and have of course, supported the work of our Key Workers and vulnerable pupils. 

    Once again, the leaders of the Dewstow Hub have praised our staff highly, and made particular thanks to both the leadership of Mrs Spokes and the ingenuity of Mrs Smith in helping to distract a child from feeling challenged, to feeling happy! Great team effort by everyone!


    Well done and thank you to you all!

  • Nice to be back!

    Mon 11 May 2020 C Swann

    It is lovely to be back in touch via the website, and apologies for not being on line over the past couple of weeks.

    As you can see, last week’s Ambassadors are up for us all to celebrate, and I am looking forward to sharing the next group of talented learners very soon!!!

    Coming soon will be further information on:

    • Use of Google Meet. This is a video meeting facility within Google Classroom that can act as an interface between staff and children to support teaching and learning
    • Updates from Monmouthshire County Council
    • What next (as far as we know it)


    In the mean time, take care, keep safe and thank you for your continued support in meeting the needs of our children during this time.


    Caroline Swann

  • Archbishop Rowan Williams CiW Primary School proudly present to you this week’s Ambassadors:

    Mon 11 May 2020 C Swann


    Archbishop Rowan Williams CiW Primary School

    proudly present to you this week’s Ambassadors:


    Pierre Tournier-Horton : for always working hard and for taking on extra challenges! Great effort! 

    Sam Parker: for a great effort in his reading! We are really impressed with how far he has come 😊

    Evelyn Chiu- an ambitious learner as she is completing so much work... well done!

    Jacob Roberts - making so much progress with his reading and writing and fabulous research on Africa

    Elizabeth Phelps- a creative learner, producing fantastic V.E. Day cookery and craft

    Alfie Deakin- a creative learner, producing fantastic V.E. Day cookery and craft

    Felix Haikney- for being an informed citizen and producing a fantastic, very detailed travel brochure

    Arlo Stone-  for being an informed citizen and producing a fantastic, very detailed travel brochure

    Myles Griffiths-  for being a very capable learner when creating his graph showing the temperatures of Columbia

    Alex Wall-for being a very capable learner when creating his graph showing the temperatures of North Carolina

    Macsen Griffiths- for being an informed citizen and producing a fantastic map of the world

    Celyn Griffiths- for being an informed citizen and producing a fantastic map of the world

    Sara Walbyoff- for excellent determination in all subjects

    Erin Heneghan- for being ambitious and challenging her own learning

    Ivy Phillips- for setting herself high standards by always writing in detail

    Olivia Wong – for applying her knowledge and using connectives in her letter writing

    Harrison Jones- for excellent determination in completing his work

    Clemence Edwards- for being a dedicated learner

    Henri Simsek- for being an ambitious learner by writing a detailed fact file

    Charlie Purchase- for using technology to engage with online learning

    Polly Macdonald - for using technology to engage with online learning

    Harry O’Hara- for using technology to engage with online learning and achieving personal challenges

    Eva Morris-  for using technology to engage with online learning and achieving personal challenges

     Ava Barrett- For showing respect and kindness, always checking in with her classmates, and for lifting spirits with the daily riddles she provides for the class to answer.

    Aaron Dutson- for being a capable learner by continuing to work hard and completing the work set.

