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Archbishop Rowan Williams Church in Wales School home page

Archbishop Rowan Williams
Church in Wales School

"I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

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Archbishop Rowan Williams Church in Wales School home page

Archbishop Rowan Williams
Church in Wales School

"I can do all things through Him who
strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

Children in Need

For Children in Need, if children would like to participate, we will have a non-uniform day tomorrow.


We are sorry for the short notice, but we do not want families to go to any ‘trouble’ or expense.


Children can wear dressing up clothes, clothes that they love, wear spots, wear yellow…..just wear clothes that make you feel happy, and for some children, this will be their uniform.


  • No money to come the school on this occasion. If families want to make a donation, then this can be done directly through the charity home page or through collections at supermarkets etc.
