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Archbishop Rowan Williams
Church in Wales School

"I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

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Archbishop Rowan Williams Church in Wales School home page

Archbishop Rowan Williams
Church in Wales School

"I can do all things through Him who
strengthens me." Philippians 4:13


23.10.2020 and 6.11.2020


Archbishop Rowan Williams CiW Primary School

proudly present to you this week’s Ambassadors:


Brody Harris for being a super reader!

Max Hancock for being a super reader!

Perry Biddle for excellent creative writing, using beautiful descriptive language and re reading his work in an expressive voice. Fabulous boy!

Pierre Tournier-Horton-for being an ambitious learner when creating his firework poem.

Felicity Worgan- for being an ambitious learner when creating her firework poem.

Phoebe Purchase for outstanding work and for her attitude of care and pride in her achievements.

Ava Howard- for beautiful artwork and excellent handwriting.

Eli Edwards for being an ambitious capable learner when recalling and writing the story of Guy Fawkes.

Austin Banton for being an ambitious capable learner when recalling and writing the story of Guy Fawkes.

Aderyn Shuck-for kindness and thoughtfulness.

Charlie Johnson Major-  for kindness and thoughtfulness.

Rose Northover for creating a fantastic story map about Mary Seacole.

Alfie Taylor for always putting 100% into any task he is given.

Scarlett Downer for always putting 100% into any task she is given.

Celyn Griffiths- for being a responsible citizen and engaging in excellent discussion about justice, making sure that fair decisions have been made in class. Outstanding!

Arthur Biddle-  for representing the school so beautifully, doing a fantastic job helping Miss Heales record the promotion video and for fantastic ideas.

Olivia Wong- for persevering and having an excellent attitude to her work, especially spellings.

Sara Walbyoff- who calmly finishes her work, manages distractions and works accurately every day and in every lesson.

Cameron Hancock- for working well every day, being polite and well mannered, a good friend to others and has completed excellent reading this week!

William Morgan- for representing the school so beautifully, doing a fantastic job helping Miss Heales record the promotion video and for fantastic ideas.

Lara Williams- for being ambitious- working extremely hard and completing ALL tasks to the best of her ability..also offering her support to other children, once completed.

Eva Lawn - for representing the school so beautifully, doing a fantastic job helping Miss Heales record the promotion video and for fantastic ideas.

Yasmine Simsek- for representing the school so beautifully, doing a fantastic job helping Miss Heales record the promotion video and for fantastic ideas.

Jesse Collins- for being an ambitious, capable learner and persevering to produce great work.

Tobias Miles- for being an ambitious, capable learner and persevering to produce great work.

Macie Griffiths- for being a healthy, confident individual, showing kindness and support for a fellow classmate.
